the dingos stole my baby......!
well it was a night not much different than tonight ......
About two thirty I decide if I'm going to be worth anything for service in the morning I better get some sleep. I turn off the lights and lock the front door. I have had a stuffed up nose so I hadn't used my sleep machine for a few nights but the airways were clear tonight, So i figured I'd strap it on. It probably takes point three seconds to fall asleep with it on (such a great invention dont know what I'd do with out it ... Oh yea I remember not sleep) and as far as I know everything is fine in the world.
We've had two regular pioneers staying with us for about a month now and them scurring about the house at the wee hours of the morning was nothing new. Knock, knock, Jereme .... knock, knock Jereme please. this was a little odd cause they previously had never woken either Sean or I before, but I just figured that they thought I was going out in service with them, so no big deal. I poke my head out the door of my room to see what the fuss was, and get greeted by Juan with a disturbed look on his face, Jereme please come. so almost by hand Im led to the back of the house only to see Ronald at the back door, its wide open and his service bag is dumped on the floor. At this point I'm still asleep and not really thinking about what I'm seeing, so I finish the yawn and take another look. almost in unison Juan and Ronald point back into the house "meda" and as I turn my head I can feel my hart explode ...... It was gone!
along with my ipod my watch Sean's camera and ronalds phone ... and various other power cables and computer bags ...
no one got hurt and we still have all the music on the tank to listen to .... so how was your day
finaly back home
yea its weird I was only here for a week before but this time comming into town felt like home ...
... I well its a rainy day not unlike florida off and on. The road from SanJose to here was almost closed cause of the rain yesterday so the busses were not running any later than three ... got there at four. I had to spend the night in town, found a nice hotel with internet in the rooms and free breakfast. traditional Tico breakfast consists of rice n beans with eggs and fruit on the side . Its actually quite a nice start to the day. there was also a nice Italian style place accross the street, good food (alittle pricy compaired to normal CR prices, about like Chilies)but the beer was cold and the anchovie, garlic, and black olive pasta I had was well worth it. left SanJose around nine after breakfast and got to SanIsidro about one and called kevin to come and help me bring my bags to the house(way over packed again), but then I hear this lady screming as she is stepping off the bus. she had lost/got stolen/broken somthing ... they way she carried on I thought she had left her child at the half way point (theres a stop for food /bathroom half wayfrom SanJose to SanIsidro) but ther stil like an hour and a half that you on the buss after that so I think you notice if your kid was missing? i wish I knew enough spanish to understand what she was carring on about.
... at the internet cafe? theres no coffee here but we still call it that I think wIll just start calling it work cause thats what its been used for since we found it ... its our favorite one that we found Ice cold air and new computers (aka fast) but a CUP OF COFFEE would be nice. had such a bad headace the other day cause of lack of caffine ... maby I should stop ... na , I saw theas profetic words on a t-shirt, Rehab is for quiters ... I think that would apply here. well se you all in a few months ... some sooner than others
did you really want to know
so the other day my fondness for short hair was brought into question. So Ive thought about it deeply ... (OK not that deeply) and it comes down to this it not really the short hair its necks .... I like necks. Now as for the meaning of that well that's for another day. there was another thing was brought up that night and raised an eyebrow or two, my un contentment with the word "huggable" now don't get me wrong its a statement that has a positive context, I under stand that. but growing up it had a hole other meaning .... I will define that for you now.
bəl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[huhg-uh-buh
l] – adjective, evoking a desire to hug close; inviting a close embrace; cuddly:
a huggable little baby. [Probably
of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse
to comfort.]
bəl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[kis-uh-buh
l] – adjective, inviting kissing through being lovable or physically attractive. [Middle English
kissen, from Old English
Ill give you a few more examples .....
grimace .... to most
well this is probly th last post from FL for a wile ... as i sit here trying not to drip on my keys ... aperntly if you go too many days with out sleep you get sick ... weird I have a bunch of stuff to do and all I want to do is sleep.
supper cool party SJ and thanks to Alice for the dance (I wouldn't put it on you performance resume) but it was really nice to see every one befor I go .... Ill finish this tomarow when my heads not throbbing