Bologna was the color of her skin
Yea so I watched this lovely movie the other night and came to this conclusion, how do you take a girl that is already attractive and make her even hotter, cut her hair. Now this is not a new thought to any body that really knows me but when I was talking to a friend the other night I was informed of this, apparently length of hair = womanosity. The hole night was quite interesting found out some other interesting tid bits about people ..... I think that's what I like most in life, its not doing stuff its getting to know the people that I'm doing it with. It never ceases to amaze me how you think you know someone then they let you into a facet of their life that makes you special. Not that no one had ever heard it before and not like your a "special friend" but really reached that level of friendship that your in the loop of whets going on in their life.