Ok so I got two wisdom teeth that are coming out tomorrow "WooHoo" and due to them being evil teeth I got an abscess that has formed and is causing quite a bit of pain but that's ok "I'm a rough tough tree fighter I can handel any thing" as I've said the three times I've tried to go to work this week only to come crying home to my mommy cause of the pain each time. But it will be done this weekend and Ill be $700 poorer. The part that stinks is that I was supposed to go to the quickbuild this weekend and I don't know how I will be feeling so I'm not sure if I will be able to make it or not (sorry Kevin) but I hear that "Jo" Calhoun is quite good at delivering peanutbutter milkshakes maybe I can abuse him like Ben did
sorry for the runnyonyness of the paragraph ,I would like to blame it on the medication that I'm taking but you all have read my blog and know that's not true.